Examination is an overall assessment and evaluation of the students knowledge or skill or Proficiency in a particular subject. We want our college not to be entertainment outlets, but a place enriched with academic knowledge / skill. As per UNESCO Report on "International Commission of education for 21st Century" Doler, quotes that -

The Aim of Education As

  • learning to know
  • learning to do
  • learning to be, and
  • learning to live together and
  • to create new world order

To realize the true spirit of examination system, we lay down some objectives of our examination department (Academic Council)

  • To measure effectiveness of teaching / learning process.
  • To point out the strengths of the students to motivate and reinforce them and to identify weaknesses of the students to solve their problems.
  • To measure academic achievements.
  • To encourage healthy academic competition.
  • To provide a base for entry into professional/degree education.
  • To enhance the college accreditation.

Examination Schedule
Tentative Examination Time Table

SL NO Month Test
1 22/07/19 to 27/07/19 First unit test (I & II Yr)
2 5/08/19 Distribution of First unit test marks card
3 10/08/19 Parent-teacher meet
4 13/08/19 Displaying of shortage of attendance
5 16/10/19 to 30/10/19 Mid-term examination for I & II Yr
6 I week of Nov Announcement of Mid-term result
7 12/11/19 Displaying of shortage of attendance
8 17/11/19 Parent-teacher meet to discuss the shortage of attendance
9 23/12/19 to 30/12/19 Second unit test (I & II Yr)
10 01/01/20 Letter of shortage of attendance should be posted
11 I week of Jan 2020 PUC I yr practical examination